19th Century Farmhouse Restored With Mapetherm EWI System

Burcot Farmhouse-Mapetherm 2210 LR

Mapei’s Mapetherm external wall insulation (EWI) system has been used to restore an old farmhouse in Worcestershire that is 150 years old. The BBA-certified EWI system was installed by a Worcester Plastering and Insulated Renders to help improve the farmhouses looks and also for its thermal performance.

Before the EWI, system could be installed the aged external walls were cleaned and the where there was dubbing out needed doing this was done to be inline with the original substrate of the old building. What the  Mapei EWI system really offers to the plasterer is that it is a complete system with all the materials available from one place and Plasterers 1 Stop Shop is a good place to go for this system.

A base coat of Mapetherm AR 1 GG adhesive was applied to the mineral fibre insulation boards, and the Mapetherm AR 1 GG was also used as a reinforcing coat with the Mapetherm Net to give it an anti cracking solution but also to make it weather resistant. The next step was to apply the Silancolor Base Coat primer and Silancolor Tonachino topcoat to give the 150 year old farmhouse walls the required texture and colour that was required by the customer of the Mapetherm EWI System.

The Mapetherm EWI System instantly improved the comfort levels for the owners of the farmhouse  and by using the existing mass of the building and adding the external wall insulation the farmhouse now keeps the heat within and also stays warm for longer, which will save on your heating bills but then in the summer the Farmhouse also stays nice and cool.

The Mapetherm EWI system is breathable and fire resistant and compliant with, and certified to the BBA’s strict inspection procedures.

Mapei’s external wall insulation and coatings systems a wide range of thermal insulation systems. So for more information about the Mapei systems, please head over to their website www.mapei.co.uk or email them at [email protected], or you can give them a call on 0121 508 6970.

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