A Day In The Life Of

A Week In The Life Of A Plasterer From The United States...
A Day In The Life Of

A Week In The Life Of A Plasterer From The United States…

The Plasterers Forum has been reaching out to plasterers all over the world and one of the plasterers that has really got involved in the plasterers forum is a chap called Loren, and I thought it would be really interesting for all the UK readers of Plasterers News if we

naomi and jess at work (1)
A Day In The Life Of

A Closer Look at A Female Plastering Company

Tomboy Plastering Ltd is an all female plastering company based in Manchester. It was founded by Naomi Hanmer in 2012 after completing her NVQ level three in plastering and several years experience on site working for her dad’s company and learning the trade. Naomi grew up on the Isle of

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