K Rend

Mineral TC will not stop winter working
K Rend

Mineral TC Will Not Stop Winter Working

Mineral TC is a self-coloured mineral thin coat render, designed for a variety of substrates, it is not only water repellent but can be applied at a minimum temperature of 1°C. As we approach the winter months’ applicators will not be delayed with the cold weather. Mineral TC is ideal

K Rend

K Rend’s Lightweight Render Offers Time Saving Benefits

K Rend LW1, lightweight render is: A lightweight render with excellent handling properties and offers exceptional coverage due to being lightweight. It is ideal for larger projects where the speed of machine can offer time saving benefits. Cost saving: 1 day application Lightweight on the trowel Easy application & workability

K Rend

NEW K Rend K Pro – A Protective Treatment for Render

Introducing K Pro a water based protective treatment used to provide long term. Enhanced water repellent properties to external render and other masonry surfaces. The benefits include: Enhanced water repellency Helps combat problems associated with water intrusion Enables the substrate to breathe Keeps substrate clean & dry for longer K

K1 Spray
K Rend

BBA Approval for K Rend K1 Spray

We are delighted to announce the achievement of the British Board of Agrément (BBA) certification for K Rend K1 Spray. K1 Spray is a spray or hand-applied one-coat render, for use on new or existing buildings over medium density concrete blockwork manufactured in accordance with BS EN 771-3 : 2011.

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