
The Nela SuperFlex Trowel

The Nela SuperFlex Plastering Trowel

The Nela SuperFlex trowel hysteria came to England officially on April 16th 2014, but I had the pleasure of seeing these plastering trowels long before they came on the market, and I was excited way back then. We are at this moment in time nearly a year on, I am

Alfra - Eibenstock Mixers
Latest News

Alfra – Eibenstock Mixers From Plasterers 1 Stop Shop

Alfra – Eibenstock Mixers are now available from Plasterers 1 Stop Shop, these plaster mixers are seen by many to be the best on the market and a lot of plasterers are using these mixers and the reviews over the internet are fantastic so for Plasterers 1 Stop Shop to

Plastering Tools
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The Plasterers Forum Offers Support For Theft Victim

The Plasterers Forum® is a place where plasterers all over the UK and slowly the world comes and talks about plastering and related subjects but sometimes the topics are not what people want to hear. One day, we have a thread was started by a member (Peter), and it was

The Plasterers Forum® At Pro Builder Tool Show

The Professional Builder Tool Show Coventry

After my day trip to the 100% Design show at Earls Court on Wednesday, I was all prepared and ready for the Professional Builder Tool Show which was being hosted at the Ricoh Arena which is in/near Coventry. I was staying at my parent’s home for a couple of nights

Putz Tools

Plasterers 1 Stop Shop Tool Fair – 18th & 19th September

On the 18th and 19th of September Plasterers 1 Stop Shop will be exhibiting at the Professional Builders Tool Fair at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry. I will also be floating about the tool fair aswell so do say hi if you see me. If you had the pleasure of

Nela At Tool Show
Featured Story

Stone Effect Training And A Tool Show

The bigger we grow the more and more events we get invited to and the more days of the week I am out of the office and touring around the country. Last week was particularly busy for me as I was invited up to the Professional Builder Tool Show by

NELA Trowels

NELA Trowel Updates

Plasterers 1 Stop Shop has been blown away by the response from everybody regarding the NELA trowels and has run out of stock but don’t panic there will be some more NELA Trowels in next week. The NELA trowels have been exceptionally popular with The Plasterers Forum and also Plasterers

Nela Plastering Trowel
Featured Story

Pre Order Your Nela Plastering Trowels NOW!!!

The response we had from the Nela Trowels article a couple of weeks ago has been huge both on The Plasterers Forum® and Plasterers News and Plasterers 1 Stop Shop has been inundated with enquiries and questions regarding these exciting new trowels. There has been a lot of chatter and

Plasterers 1 Stop Shop Plastering Trowel

New Plasterers Trowel Set to Take on Marshalltown

One of the perks of being behind the 2 biggest plastering sites on the internet is that I get to see some of the latest tools and also get the pleasure of trying them out. I get sent lots of tools and I have tried a number of new tools

Pragma 12S 9LD
Machine Plastering

The Pragma 12s – 9LD

PFT Central – Plasterers 1 Stop Shop are pleased to launch a new machine to their Hire and Sales Fleet – The Pragma 12s – 9LD. The Pragma 12s – 9LD is manufactured in France by Priomix. It is mainly made up of Hydraulics and has limited Electronics, this machine

Plasterers 1 Stop Shop Plastic Trowel

Plastic Trowel Comparison

So the last few days I have been plastering for a very good friend of mine, and as usual, I had tools to play with and see what they are like 🙂 As you have probably read in the past I have been right behind plastic trowels from day one,

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