
Stamped cement
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Pargeting Tools And Materials

Early pargeting was always worked in lime plaster which had three main ingredients; lime, aggregate and hair. Framed and stamped parget worked in cement In the past when lime was slaked on site from local chalk, limestone, shells or marble, the hydraulicity would depend on what impurities happened to be

Roman pargeting and tool
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The History of Pargeting

The word Pargeting is English, but the same skills and materials have been used in various times and places around the world. The first plasterers to do ornamental lime plastering lived during the Roman Empire and in the museums of Rome you can find some lovely pieces of ancient workmanship.

Ancient house clare
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Pargeting: The Art Of Plasterwork

What is Pargeting? If you have visited Suffolk or Essex then you might have noticed houses which have been plastered on the outside and the render has been ornamented. This is called Pargeting,an old English craft trade and an ‘extra’ which plasterers offered to their clients. 17thC Freehand pargeting in

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