Dulux Trade Launches Specification Creator Tool

Dulux Trade has launched a handy online tool to help professionals in building construction and maintenance create detailed paint and woodcare specifications quickly and easily. The Dulux Trade Paint Specification Creator tool allows specifiers to search and filter through AkzoNobel’s decorative portfolio, access product information and select the right coating for the job.

Dulux Trade Launches Specification Creator Tool

The simple and easy-to-use format aims to make product specification more straightforward and can be used as either a quick reference guide, or as a resource to produce in-depth specifications, which can then be saved and used during the tendering process. By asking a series of questions about factors such as the in-use requirements, substrate, condition and finish, the tool directs users to the most suitable coating options and offers tips and advice, including detailed information on all aspects of painting, from preparation and priming to achieving the best finish.

Duncan Lochhead, Commercial Marketing Manager at Dulux Trade said: “Dulux Trade is continually developing ways to support its customers, and the Paint Specification Creator is the latest resource designed especially to assist specifers. Dulux Trade understands that busy professionals can’t be experts in every field, and with so many factors to bear in mind, and so many solutions on the market, specification of paints and coatings is not an easy task. This tool has been designed to help make the job of specifcation much easier.”

“The tool will aid architects, designers and contractors by making it quicker and easier to firstly find the best paints and coatings to meet the needs of their project, and then to include all the necessary information in a detailed specification document.”

The Dulux Trade Paint Specification Tool can be accessed via dedicated specifier website, www.specifytradepaint.co.uk, or www.dulux.trade-decorating.co.uk/paintspec/index.jsp

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