How To Get More Work As A Plasterer

Everybody is looking for more work or is looking for a plasterer to help them with their jobs, or just generally they’re looking for more plastering work. I’m not sure about you but when I was on the tools if I was never busy enough, yes, I may have been three weeks ahead of time and working seven days a week, but there was constantly space for more work, and I was always looking for it.

The Plasterers Forum

When I started the plasterers forum back in 2006, I did not anticipate there would be the amount of work being passed around between members of our growing community and still today I smile to myself every time I see someone else get work from our site knowing that I have created something that is helping not only the plasterers involved but also the families and the general public in a roundabout way.

We had members travel from the UK to Brittany in France to carry out work that was sourced from the plasterers forum. We have members who live near Stockport going down to Devon to help fellow members of the plasterers forum on jobs that they needed a hand with.

I often get emailed by members thanking me for the amount of work I have given them had an email recently from one guy, who had managed to get a job from the plasterers forum that employed himself and eight of his lads on a project that was going to take approximately 16 weeks to complete.

How do these members of the plasterers forum get these jobs?

How can you join in with the internet’s biggest plastering community and also have the opportunity to find more plastering work and also meet some cracking people along the way.

I have an easy answer really, and that is to get involved by posting on the plasterers forum and saying hello. It’s very simple but  you’re going to be recognised, and also you will become a part of community. There is lots of banter and Mickey taking but not only that there also support no matter whether it is plastering related or personal problems our community looks after its members.

Once you’ve been posting and everyone gets no you, and also they know where you live or a very least, the area, then you will find that people will start posting jobs to you. Just this week I passed a job to a member of the forum for three house re-skims to Farnborough based member of our community, I have no idea how much he will make, but it will keep him busy for a while and food on the table for his family.

What doesn’t work is by coming on the forum and generally badgering people for work or simply posting on the job’s available section as this doesn’t hold the results that you would want, and it generally annoys the members who post regularly and help the other members who are learning our trade.

The other way is to make sure we have a link to your website in your signature, and you would be surprised how many people will contact you. This is due to the way I have optimise the site for the search engines and how well the site ranks in Google for a lot of the plastering-related terms. I know a lot of renderers on the plasterers forum that got work from the general public just by what they are posted in response to questions. You may or may not believe this, but I know it’s true because I’ve seen the jobs and also spoken to the customers.

So the plasterers forum is a little more than just a community, we are a network and being an active part of the plasterers forum will help you make more money, have more fun and most importantly learn more about our dying craft. If you have not already registered on the plasterers forum that, please go to

If you have any questions or problems or maybe you have forgotten your username or password then, please drop me an email, and I will answer as quickly as possible. The best email to get me on is

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