PFT Central Launches New Site With New Features

You may have noticed that Plasterers 1 Stop Shop and PFT Central are all owned by the same People, and they work very closely with myself with The Plasterers Forum and Plasterers News, and that is why I am talking about them today.

PFT Central

PFT Central is the plastering machine side of the Hill’s family plastering empire, and they have just recently launched a new look to their website, and I have to say I quite like it. However, what makes this site a little different to the other plastering machine suppliers sites and that is that you can have a good look at the machines for sale right on your screen with some very clever web technology have a look for yourself.

You can drag the machine around and have a look at it all the way round which if you are going to spend your children’s university fund on it, then you may as well have a look and see if you like it from all angles before you part with your hard-earned cash.

PFT Central are well known within the plastering industry, and I don’t know any other company out there that offers the same support and training when it comes to machines. They have a team of people that will maintain your hard worked machines, and you have the tech support on the end of the phone if you get into issues when on site.

Both Ryan and Andy work hard to give the best possible advice when it comes selling machines and the after care when you buy one is second to none. Selling machines and other plastering tools and equipment are their full time livelihoods as they know that supporting and being there for their customers is paramount.

The all-new PFT Central website is great, but nothing beats dropping into their Cheltenham offices and seeing the machines in person and although the website is giving you as much information as possible on these plastering machines, you really need to go and see their setup to really appreciate what you are paying for.

However, if you don’t fancy the travel to Cheltenham Ryan and Andy have taken on a sales representative who is now traveling around the UK visiting sites and doing demos.

If you have any questions or are thinking about buying a machine, then get in touch with PFT Central or head over to The Plasterers Forum and have a look around and see what others are saying about them.

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