If You Are a Plasterer Needing a New String to Your Bow – Read On!

PICS is the leading supplier of tools and materials to the pattern imprinted concrete industry in the UK and has an active Export arm as well.

Stone Effect Render

About 3-4 years ago PICS quietly launched Wallcrete to the imprinted concrete installers to give them another product to sell to their Homeowner customers, but it was quickly identified that the skills and knowledge required to install Wallcrete were exactly those possessed by plasterers.

There’s not exactly a surplus of work around right now, and rates are being squeezed…. but PICS has a product that is perfect for plasterers to install.

The Stone Effect Render section of the Forum has had reasonable traffic and a good number of members have attended the Training Courses. I am pleased to say there has been a very positive reaction from those who have done so, as you can see on the Forum.

You may have seen a moderator on the Plasterers Forum called WarriorUpNorth and he was one of the early people to get into the stone effect render scene and has created some stunning effects with the system.

This Is Before…

This is After…

The course costs just £100 + VAT, but as a Special Offer to members of the forum, PICS have agreed that this will be fully refundable against your 1st order of Wallcrete products, provided you book and pay for the course by the end of September and provided that order value is over £200 + VAT in value. So if you’re thinking about it, might as well jump in now!

Wallcrete is NOT a system that requires a huge investment to get started. It is NOT a franchise, there are no restricted territories, no royalties to pay etc.

Below is a video which has taken youtube by storm of a project that Paul Clamp Plastering also carried out. I am certain you will be blown away by the effects.

But it does provide an opportunity to those with the right skills and attitude to make a decent living. And, having attended one of the courses I can promise you that anyone who’s been involved in plastering has those skills in abundance!

You can find out more by clicking on this link: http://www.picsuk.com/walls

If you would like to ask more questions then you can either post them up on the Forum here:


…or call PICS on 01635 202224 to have a chat with their friendly team..

If you’ve read and heard enough about Wallcrete already and want to book on the next available course then just ask for Clare and she’ll get you booked in.

There are more dates in the pipeline but at present the training schedule is as follows:

Tuesday 24th September 2013 – Newbury
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 – Manchester
Wednesday 27th November – Newbury

At the time of writing this there are places available on each date, but seeing as this email is going out to all 15,000+ members of The Plasterers Forum, to avoid disappointment I would suggest you call in ASAP!

Remember, there are no catches, no hidden costs, no fees, just a quality product developed, manufactured, supplied and supported by the UK’s No 1 Supplier to the pattern imprinted concrete industry.

All it costs to give you a new string to your bow is £100 + VAT, and that’s refundable.

We look forward to hearing from you.

PS Read about the Golden Trowel Awards 2013 here…. http://www.plasterersforum.com/general-stone-effect-discussions/48810-golden-trowel-awards-2013-wallcrete-features-strongly.html

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