Safeguard puts a stop to outdoor wood mould and rot with SoluGuard

SoluGuard Mould & Rot Treatment from Safeguard Europe – the UK’s leading specialist in damp-proofing and timber treatment technology – is a ready-to-use colourless wood preservative that protects untreated outdoor timber from the ravages of rot and mould.

Safeguard Puts a Stop to Outdoor Wood Mould and Rot With Soluguard

Easily applied by spray or brush, it penetrates deeply into wood following application and It is ideal for protecting fences, decking, sheds, furniture and wooden buildings from the effects of against wood-destroying and wood-discolouring fungi.

Safeguard Puts a Stop to Outdoor Wood Mould and Rot With Soluguard

Odourless and colourless when dry, SoluGuard Mould & Rot Treatment forms a fantastic adhesive surface ‘key’ for subsequent waterproofing – such as with Roxil Silicone Wood Protector – or paint or stain decoration. An initial application of Soluguard Mould & Rot Treatment will protect the interior of the wood. Once the application is fully complete, a surface treatment of Roxil 10 Year Wood protector will stop moisture from penetrating the surface of the wood. The combined effect of Soluguard and Roxil will protect wood for years to come.

Safeguard Puts a Stop to Outdoor Wood Mould and Rot With Soluguard

Soluguard Mould & Rot has been tested and proven to be effective against wood destroying fungi in tests to European Standards EN152 and EN113+84. It is also authorised by the European Chemicals Agency for use against wood-rotting fungi on softwood and wood discolouring fungi on wood in Class 2 and Class 3 uses which related to timber location – outdoor and exposed, or under cover but subject to occasional wetting.



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