Simple Random Rock Effect By Hand Using Wallcrete Stone Effect Render

Rock Carving

In this installation sequence, all the work was created ‘free hand’, without using any bespoke tools to produce the desired pattern. Also, as we wanted to produce a contrasting coloured mortar joint, two different colours of Wallcrete were used in the process.

First, a grey coloured Wallcrete base coat was applied to the scratch coat immediately followed by a sandstone coloured Wallcrete top coat. This base coat will become the mortar joint when the pattern is carved. Generally, when using this method, to produce contrasting coloured mortar joints, for any of the Wallcrete patterns, the base coat is applied thicker than the top coat.

The Sandstone coloured top coat was deliberately not smooth trowelled in order to help to produce a more rustic texture final finish even though the surface was going to be textured using a textured skin.

Now comes the trickier bit, drawing out the stone pattern you wish to have. This is lightly traced out using a carving tool, so that it can be easily changed (by gently getting rid of the line using a textured skin) if the effect isn’t coming out as you’d envisaged. Note that when producing this type of random stone wall, you do not start at one end of the wall and make your way to the other. You mark one stone, here, there and everywhere, totally randomly across the whole area and then gradually fill in the spaces.

Then, when the design is as required, the Wallcrete is carved out along the traced lines of the pattern. In this instance, carving completely through the sandstone coloured top layer to expose the grey base layer beneath. This technique gives a great mortar joint effect.

This same procedure can be used for all the Wallcrete patterns, to create realistic looking mortar joints. A bit more time is required, but that’s it, and the contrasting coloured mortar joint effect is great.

Finally, it is easy to see how adding colouring effects using the Wallstains, has completely changed the look of the single coloured wall. The result is a very cost effective way to bring a bit of life into any old existing vertical surface.

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Our last clip in this sequence of 6 will be of a similar process, but this time will be creating a brick effect wall.

Watch this space!

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