The Plasterers Forum Endorses Speedskim


The Plasterers Forum has always played a big part in product launches especially with products like the plastic trowel but nothing has been quite like the Speedskim.

You have probably read about the Speedskim on The Plasterers Forum in the past and seen a lot of the debates about how people use it and the success they have had using it. There have been a couple of people who have not got on with it but it goes without saying that you cannot please everybody.

Plasterers can be a very difficult trade they tend to not like change and especially when I started The Plasterers Forum nearly 7 years ago this has been very obvious but over the years and with the help of The Plasterers Forum a lot of plasterers are realising that there is room to change and evolve and this has very much been the case with the Speedskim.

Speedskim have been one of the companies that has really used The Plasterers Forum to their advantage and taken all of the feedback on-board about the product and evolved it. They started off with only having one size and having a fixed blade and now they have various sizes and the blades are now changeable which is great for those people who use them hard every single day.

The Plasterers Forum has always from day one supported Speedskim as I always thought it could be a great product and if you read my recent review you will read my thoughts on it. But never has a company come to us after a year and thanked us for sticking by them by asking if they can put our logo on their packaging

I have to be very careful about the products that The Plasterers Forum endorses as it is the reputation of the site and very much like the royal crest we would only allow it on products that we feel very strongly about and so when Speedskim asked I very quickly said yes and well a couple of days ago you would have seen the latest packaging from Speedskim with The Plasterers Forum logo on the boxes.

This really is a big step for The Plasterers Forum and its members and it just highlights how powerful a community can be within an industry.

If you are interested in working with The Plasterers Forum on anything or would like my opinion on a product then please contact me I am always willing to help and support the plastering industry.

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