The Plasterers Forum Reaches Super Forum Status

The Plasterers Forum® has been around since 2006/07 and it has grown from strength to strength over the years and with over 25,000 members and a very lively passionate community its no surprise that we have lasted and proved to be a massive influence in the industry.

The Plasterers Forum

As far as forums go when you reach the 500,000 posts mark you then become a “Super Forum” and this puts us in the elite as far as forums go and with growth still trending upwards I dont think its going to be long before I announce the massive 1 million post mark.

We have seen many forums and communities come and go over the years and nothing has been able to compete with The Plasterers Forum and we are constantly working exceptionally hard to keep driving the community forward.

The Plasterers Forum

We would not have been able to pull this off without the support of the members that are chatting and keeping the forum busy and alive but we also need the help and support of every single one of our sponsors who help finance the community and keep the bills paid which without would see us finished.

2015 has already been a great year for us and I am very excited to be a part of this journey I am hoping that you are all going to come along with me.



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