The Plasterers Prank

We have all been there, we are a bit green when we start our lives out as plasterers and when you are on a job at first as the bucket bitch you have a lot to prove and there is an element of male bravado that comes into it.

However, the lifting the bag of plaster above your head a certain number of times to prove you are “man enough” to be a plasterer is a common trick that experienced time served plasterers play on their upcoming apprentices.

I am surprised that this practical joke is not dead already as I have seen it a 100 times now but last week I was in London and I met a plasterers forum member Rob and he was working in a lovely project in Battersea and he told me that all week they had been working on their labourer/apprentice explaining about lifting the bag above your head and that its a recognised achievement to do more than 15 of these push ups.

I was laughing when Rob told me and he said he would film it for us if it went ahead, well that night I got an email with a video attached…

Enjoy it and share it….

If you have any practical jokes that you play on your labourers or team members then please share them… the funniest ones will win a prize…



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