The high performance weber.rend MT multi-coat render system from Saint-Gobain Weber, the leading UK formulator and manufacturer of innovative materials, systems and solutions for the construction industry, has recently gained full BBA Certification. This accreditation meets NHBC requirements for new build housing where house builders are constantly seeking modern methods of construction for speed and cost efficiency. The weber.rend MTsystem is designed to rapidly finish buildings with a frame and panel construction.

Barratt Bristol Hanham Hall

weber.rend MT is a high performance, light-weight, render system which incorporates glass-fibre meshcloth reinforcement and a resin-rich adhesive coat that can carry a choice of textured finishes in a wide range of colours. This modern render system is designed for large areas of stable render carrier boards without the need for expressed joints to create smooth, modern design aesthetics. Equally weber.rend MT is ideal for uneven masonry or mixed substrates where crack resistance is essential.  Application can be by machine spray or by hand with a float and dry-sponge to achieve a render smooth finish.  It is ideal for a variety of synthetic textured and coloured finish coats to produce weatherproof, vapour permeable protection.

“Achieving BBA Certification for the well-proven weber.rend MT system underlines this product’s suitability for modern methods of frame and panel construction which is essential to speed the build process,” says Tracey Dempster, marketing manager, Saint-Gobain Weber.  “The BBA testing has been carried out using three market leading render boards, Knauf Aquapanel, Siniat Bluclad and Euroform Rendaboard but equally the system is ideal for mixed substrates or repaired, uneven surfaces.  It is a very versatile render system.”

The British Board of Agrément is the UK’s leading authority providing accreditation and inspection services to manufacturers and installers that supply the construction industry. The BBA’s custom-built testing centre carried out extensive product tests on weber.rend MT including accelerated ageing analysis, weather resistance, impact strength, fire related performance and longevity to ensure the system performs satisfactorily for a period in excess of 30 years.  Holding BBA accreditation assures house builders, housing associations, building regulation authorities and contractors of the product quality and suitability for new build and regeneration projects.

The weber.rend MT system has been used by Barratt Homes to achieve the ‘Sustainable Housebuilder of the Year’ in the Housebuilder Awards for the Hanham Hall project of 185 bespoke, energy efficient homes.  The timber frame and SIP panel construction method determined the selection of a clean, simple aesthetic finish for the properties and the light-weight of the weber.rend MT system was of benefit here.

A BREEAM outstanding rating and the BREEAM Education Award has been achieved by a £39m school and community campus project in Bridgend, South Wales in the Gateway to the Valleys scheme where the weber.rend MTsystem has contributed significantly to the high levels of sustainability and low energy demands of the building.

For more information about this project, or for technical support, please contact Saint-Gobain Weber on 08703 330 070, or visit  Customers in Ireland should call 028 9335 2999 or visit

A free download of the new for iPhone and iPad users is also available from iTunes and from Google Play for Android smartphones and tablet users.  Follow Saint-Gobain Weber on Twitter @SGWeberUK for the latest company news and updates.



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