Why A Plastering Machine Is a Good Investment

If you do a lot of rendering, and you are still slapping it on by hand, then you need to give your head a shake and start seriously looking at getting a plastering machine.

If you are a regular reader of The Plasterers Forum then you will be quite aware of the constant dispute between the Machine Plasterers and the hand applied plasterers and I think the machine applied plasterers are the ones with the right idea.


Machine plastering is taking over the rendering sector and with more and more properties throughout the UK needing render systems the demand for machine applied renders are high.

I am going to be blunt and honest with you…

The highest earning plasterers on the Plasterers Forum are the machine plasterers, and I am not talking about just out earning the hand applied chaps I am talking they are leaps and bounds ahead. (this is only from what I can see and reading between the lines)


Sticking your hard earned money into a machine is a big step for a lot of plasterers. However, I know a lot of plasterers who had sat on the fence for a long time before they made the leap to the land of machine plastering, when you speak to them a few years on they will tell you it is the best thing they could have done for their business.

A plastering machine is a big outlay from the start but thankfully Plasterers 1 Stop Shop have been able to work out a way of making plastering machines a little more in reach for more plasterers than ever before.

Finance has always made it easier for you to be able to afford larger price tagged items and most people would not think twice about getting finance for a car or van, but the thought of getting finance for a plastering machine scares them.


A plastering machine is an Asset to any plastering business

A plastering machine will cost you at first, but as soon as you put it to work, it is going to start paying for itself and most of the time within a couple of jobs the plastering machine would have paid for itself. This is way-way better than any car or van you may have bought in the past.

Financing the purchase of a plastering machine is the smart way to buy machinery as it frees up the very much needed cash flow of any business and any accountant or financial advisor worth their salt will recommend getting finance if it frees up much-needed cash within the company.


Here is just an example of what Plasterers 1 Stop Shop have on offer for the M-Tec M200

M200 – price excluding VAT: £5995.00
Deposit: £1199.00

Monthly payment options as follows:

24 Months: £274.77
36 Months: £189.01
48 Months: £147.38
60 Months: £122.40

Therefore the machine can cost you as little as £30.60 per week!

Please note, the finance examples shown above are subject to credit, LTD companies will have slightly different fees.

For more information on the M-tec M200 and the finance options, please do not hesitate to call us on 01242 236699 or email: [email protected]




3 thoughts on “Why A Plastering Machine Is a Good Investment”

  1. Hi very interested in the mtec m200 here in Ireland are ye doing finance over here or is it just the uk could you please send back information about the machine please thanks david

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