The Plasterers Forum has been around since late 2006 and has grown to be massive. We have got nearly 15,000 members now and and the forum is extremely lively (except when there is football on) and over the years we have discussed almost every single topic known to man but that doesn’t stop people coming back and posting more.
I have met many members from the forum and I have grown to be very good friends with just as many as well. The support myself and my fiance had when we were cycling from John O’groats to Lands End last year was massive and a lot of the members put us up for the night and ensured that we were comfortable. That is why I love a community and why I am always trying to push the site forward.
But tonight the Plasterers Forum hit a huge land mark and that was 300,000 posts which is an awful lot of talking and chatting. Within those posts we have learnt about Speedskim, plastic trowels and how the professional site plasterers one coat and use a sponge to earn the big money on site. While in the background we have have seen masterpieces from Paul Clamp showing off the Wallcrete system and then on to see the launch of new plasters from The Clay Plaster Company.
You see The Plasterers Forum has been at the forefront for all of these breakthrough products and over the coming years I hope that we are going to see more and more new products hit the industry and then get discussed to the very bitter end on one of the industries busiest communities.
I would like to thank everybody that has had a look at the Plasterers Forum and also got involved and posted as every single post that you post helps the site and the readers. If you have any questions about the Plasterers Forum and how you can get involved then please contact me as I will be more than happy to discuss how you can help and ever growing community.